Songs of Dialects

Bhojpuri, Awadhi


Mali Holi - The colourful festival of Holi is played in many different ways. The 'mali' or gardener community of Rajasthan has a unique style where the men colour the women with water and the women retaliate by hitting them with sticks or long pieces of cloth.
Gair At Godaji - Men from 12 villages collect at Godaji village near Ajmer in Rajasthan to play/dance gair a few days after holi. Each village brings his own drummer and young and old gair enthusiasts. The picturesque location for it is a valley sorrounded by hills on all sides. Thousands of watchers, and close to hundred players make a wonderful sight.
Chakri Dance - The girls of the Kanjar community are famous for their dance and the community earns its livelihood by singing and dancing at weddings and functions of other communities. The chakri dance is fascinating for the number of circles the dancers take in a short time.
Balla Singh is an Aalha singer. He sings of the two warrior brothers Alha and Udhal. Aalha singing is characterized by a forceful rendition in which the tempo of the singing increases till it reaches a crescendo and then comes down, only to start rising again.
Bhopas are travelling musicians found in Rajasthan, who move from village to village as they perform. Usually a husband and wife perform in front of a intricately painted piece of cloth which depicts the epics that they sing. The instrument they use called ravanhatha, is very rare. Sohan Lal Bhopa - performs a Bhajan.
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Shyam Bihari Gaud runs a small dance group which performs at small and large functions in the city of Allahabad. Their style incorporates some classical dance movements but has a largely populistic feel about it. They perform a Kajri.
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A group of singers from Rajasthan sing a song that is usually sung at fairs where many impromptu dancers take centre stage. One such enthusiast demonstrated the mood at this informal singing session. Mohammed Ayub and his group sing Kalya.
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An Algoza is a rare instrument that looks like two flutes joined together. In Rajasthan, the algoza artistes are usually accompanied by singers who sing and dance in a very characteristic style. This group, Kalu Ram & Party is performing a Bhajan at a fair.
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Mathura is the land where Krishna is believed to have spent his childhood. The holi celebration of the region is very famous. Women of Aajnauk Village.
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