Village: Bachganv
Near Saunkh
District: Mathura
Uttar Pradesh
Ph: 0-9759518745
Krishna Kumar Chaturvedi
a r t i s t e |
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Singh is an Aalha singer.
Aalha is the story of two famous warriors 'Aalha & Udal'. Sung by many
singers it is a form by itself with its own grammar of melody and rhythm.
The rhythm that accompanies Aalha is very fascinating- it increases steadily
till it reaches a crescendo, falls back to the slow tempo - then rises
Balla Singh performs for the village at least twice a month and is also
invited to other villages from time to time.
Song |
Time |
Style |
Price |
Complete songs (mp3) 128 kbps |
Lyrics |
Sans Sans Pe |
06:06 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
5.61mb |
Ke Ganga Ji Ko |
11:20 |
$1.38/ Rs.60 |
10.3mb |
Udraj Kehe Raha He Jab Mai Pani |
09:22 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
8.59mb |
Dilki Meri Je Kari He |
06:16 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
5.76mb |
Udraj Kehe Raha He |
06:40 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
6.12mb |
Nikal Pari Janni |
10:23 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
9.53mb |
Virta Bhagvan Piyare Ki |
15:16 |
$1.38/ Rs.60 |
13.9mb |
Ya Bakhat Aalha Ne Hukum Diya |
05:59 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
5.50mb |
Charon Ore Marega |
06:58 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
6.40mb |
Hath Jodke Thari He |
06:37 |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
6.08mb |
Aalha Udal (Video-1) |
06:00 |
$2.99 |
30.01mb |
Aalha Udal (Video-2) |
02:23 |
$1.99 |
12.0mb |
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