
Jagar Harda 'Surdas'

Jay Ho Shri Veda Preview
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Hindi Translation

t; gks Jh nso Hkwfe gks] txr eSa uke rqEgkjk
ej/ku ds jktk tS uke rqEgkjks Hkxoku
iwoZ [k.Mk] if'pe [k.Mk] mRrj [k.Mk] nf{k.k [k.Mk

iwjc dk fnu if'pe pyk x;k] Hkxoku
;s lwjt <yusa yx x;k
NksVs cM+s nsoks dh vkjrh pyh gS
Kkuh iq#"kks /;kuh iq#"kks dh / txh gqbZ gS
fl) iq#"kks dh pkj QqV / txh gqbZ gS
 (these are literal translations of songs that are part of a basically oral tradition.  Beat of India bears no responsibility for distortions of meanings. All suggestions are welcome at [email protected] )

The singer invokes all the various Gods of the region. He sings the tale of Kalyan Singh Devta who is believed to have control over all ghosts and is worshiped all over Kumaon and Garhwal.
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