
Bair Pratap Singh Rawal

Sada Bhavani Dahini Preview
$0.69/ Rs.30
Hindi Translation

lnk Hkokuh nkfguh fl}h djs x.ks'k
ikapks nso j{kk djs] cEzãk] fo".kq] egs'k
laxr djks lk/kq dh] djs vkSj dh O;k/k
vkSNh laxr chp dh] vkBks igj mnkl
frey dk ikr] Hk®lh yxk gkFk
iwjc dk fnu if'pe tkrk] rc iM+rh gS jkr
ckjg ekl ueLdkj Hkxorh eSa tksMw gkFk

frey & igkM+ esa ik;k tkus okyk isM+
 (these are literal translations of songs that are part of a basically oral tradition.  Beat of India bears no responsibility for distortions of meanings. All suggestions are welcome at [email protected] )

On a philosophical note, the song touches upon the different aspects of life. Urging every human being never to lose courage when faced with trouble, the singer emphasizes good values, respect for one's nation and a belief in God.
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