Post: Baraut
District: Allahabad
Uttar Pradesh,
Ph: 91-9839903866
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of the most famous folk singers of the region, Ram Kailash ji has been
singing for at least the last six or seven decades and singing for All
India Radio since 1949.
He has traveled to almost all parts of the country with his group and
been honored with many awards. Though he mainly sings the 'Biraha'
form- his repertoire is vast and includes all forms of the region.
His style is full of expression. Not only does he compose verses on the
spot - relevant to the time of singing, he also sketches the picture of
the song for the audience. With very subtle, graceful body movements and
voice modulation - he is an institution in himself.

Time |
Style |
Complete songs (mp3) 128 kbps |
Lyrics |
Param Pita Parmatma |
06:54 |
Devi |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
6.35mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Radha Kanha Se |
08:56 |
Kajri |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
8.21mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
More Pichvarva |
05:41 |
Ropni |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
5.20mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
More Pichvarva (Video)  |
03:02 |
Ropni |
$1.99 |
13:7mb |
Suraj Ke Ghere Mein |
00:44 |
Lok Geet |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
706kb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Gori Tor Gagri |
02:11 |
Khari Biraha |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
2.02mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Chappan Hathiya Ka |
01:36 |
Lorki (Geet) |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
1.48mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Avtari Ho Avtari |
03:33 |
Guru Vandana |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
2.78mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Desava Deasava |
02:18 |
Pavara (Geet) |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
2.10mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Kaune Rang Mungva |
03:56 |
Kajri |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
3.65mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Ram Lakhan Jab
04:16 |
Gari |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
3.92mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Ram Lakhan Jab (Video)  |
03:25 |
Gari |
$1.99 |
17.6mb |
Raas Rachaye |
05:47 |
Geet |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
5.32mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Raas Rachaye (Video)  |
05:29 |
Geet |
$2.99 |
26.9mb |
More Pichvarva Babul Ka |
02:43 |
Uthavan (Geet) |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
2.56mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Satguru Se Lelete Giyanava
05:36 |
Kaharauva |
$0.69/ Rs.30 |
5.13mb |
lyrics |
$0.99 |
Satguru Se Lelete Giyanava (Video)  |
02:54 |
Kaharauva |
$1.99 |
14.3mb |
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