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is possibly the most popular festival of India. It is
celebrated in most regions of the country in one form
or another. There are many stories and beliefs about the
origin of this festival- the most popular is the story
of 'Prahlad'. The son of a demon, Hiranyakashyap, Prahlad
was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Hirankashyap was unhappy
with this and wanted him dead. He asked his sister 'Holika'
to sit in burning pyre with Prahlad in her lap. Though
she had a boon that she fire could not burn her, Prahlad
survived and she died. Vishnu assumed the form of a half
man, half lion to kill Hirankashyap. This is seen as a
victory of good over evil.
In most regions, Holi is celebrated over two days. The
first is the night of the full moon in the month of Phagun
when the holi pyre is burnt. Preparations begin almost
a month in advance and everybody participates- regardless
of caste and religion. Traditionally children of a village
collect wood from all houses and after the prayers everybody
gets together to burn it and celebrate the symbolic defeat
of evil.
The next morning gets coloured with 'gulal' and coloured
water. Colours, mud, muck - everything is allowed to be
thrown on each other. The mood is exuberant, the singing
and dancing adds to it.
Music related to holi in fact goes on the whole month
before the festival.
Many Holi songs have an element of the risqué in them
but - it is to be taken in the right spirit because it
is traditionally allowed on Holi.
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